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sound monolith

Sound Monolith – Resonance in Water from Andrew Roberts on Vimeo.

Got an iPhone or 3G iPad? Apple is recording your moves – O’Reilly Radar

en fait libé a publié ce matin un article similaire avec les meme sources l’article d’écran en fr donc, voir l’iphone tracker un logiciel qui permet d’utiliser ces données. Update (7:45 am PT) — A section titled “Who has access to this data?” was added.

Today at Where 2.0 Pete Warden and I will announce […]

Jacquard Weavings (2010) – Your total source for Apple II computing. » Apple II screens recreated as weaving Melissa Barron’s recent art installation consists of a number of Apple II game and program screens recreated as loom weavings. ExTV writes that she “creates ‘glitch’ weaves by hacking a Jacquard Loom. What materializes is code, made tangible.” […]


et pas mal d’autres facebookeries

Pirat@ge : doc france4

Le documentaire Pirat@ge retrace l’histoire d’Internet grâce aux témoignages de ceux qui l’ont construit, les hackers. Il se place au cœur des préoccupations de cette génération Y, dont il analyse les modes de communication en réseau, de consommation de biens culturels et de leur partage.


“Hotglue” est un ‘système de manipulation de contenu’ – logiciel de création web qui libère ses utilisateurs de la monotonie des designs normés des blogs et des dogmes du web-design. La principale caractéristique de “Hotglue” est la composition à main levée de pages web, les utilisateurs peuvent créer de nouveaux éléments en un clic […]

Visualize Your Taxes: The Finalists |

Visualize Your Taxes: The Finalists |

Visualize Your Taxes: The Finalists

The Data Viz Challenge was a call to designers and developers to visualize how our federal income taxes are spent, using data made available by Thank you to everyone who participated in the challenge. Our jury reviewed all of the entries and […]

2010 Pure Data read as pure data : nicolas maigret

2010 Pure Data read as pure data : nicolas maigret. The content of the Pure Data application is read as pure data into sound and pixels (rgb + extrude)

Pure Data read as pure data – 2010 from Nicolas Maigret on Vimeo.

pub transmediale

transmediale.11 from Büro Achter April on Vimeo.

bon site design à suivre avec des photos comme celles de Marie Bovo

HOME – Face to Facebook



Stealing 1 million Facebook profiles, filtering them with face-recognition software, and then, posting them on a custom-made dating website, sorted by their facial expressions characteristics.

Legal update: After sending us a “cease and desist letter” (which led to making the website unavailable), asking us to give them back […]