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Face mailing list

Une ML pour se tenir au courant des actions autours des mots clés : femmes art technologies net

by admin on Sat, 18/11/2006 – 10:46.

The faces list began operation in the Spring of 1997, a pragmatic response to the needs of a small but growing number of women in media. Initiated after a series of discussions that took place on the margins of European media arts and media culture events, via email, and in the dimly lit corners of bars begged the question “Where are the women?” This constant question, and the desire to find out what women were doing with new media defined a gap in the existing structures and networks. Parallel to these discussions, the Face Settings project began to create informal settings that invited women to come to the table for a good meal and to discuss their work. It was the start to what would become an international network of women in media: artists, programmers, theorists, designers, curators, activists & djs, along with with an assortment of other digital workers.

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