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Facebook hack

vus avez aimé la contribution d’Alexandro lors de sa conference à l’école, vous allez aimer son dernier projet :
Détournement d’e identité de Marie Lechner Libération 5 fev.2011
Press Release, 2 February 2011. Berlin.

Face to Facebook

Stealing 1 million Facebook profiles, filtering them with face‐
recognition software and then posting them on a custom‐made dating
website, sorted by their facial expression characteristics.

In an attempt to free personal data as Facebook’s exclusive property
we spent a few months downloading public information from one million
profiles (including pictures). Immersing ourselves in the resulting
database was a hallucinatory experience as we dove into hundreds of
thousands of profile pictures and found ourselves intoxicated by the
endless smiles, gazes and often leering expressions.

After a few weeks we had to face the evidence. All that people wanted
was to attract new people, have more relationships, to express and
receive love through their digital traits. But they were trapped by
Facebook owning their data and restricting their actions with
primitive privacy rules. They wanted more than just their restricted
circles of “friends” and they wanted it quickly and easily.

Our mission was to give all these virtual identities a new shared
place to expose themselves freely, breaking Facebook’s constraints
and boring social rules.

So we established a new website (lovely‐ giving them
justice and granting them the possibility of soon being face to face
with anybody who is attracted by their facial expression and related
data. Now they are there, in full effect, free to keep in touch with a
whole world of men and women and anything in between. And we
accomplished our mission: the final piece of the free relationships
interface is now running.

The Hacking Monopolism Trilogy:
Face to Facebook is the third work in a series that began with Google
Will Eat Itself and Amazon Noir. These works share a lot in terms of
both methodologies and strategies. They all use custom programmed
software in order to exploit (not without fun) three of the biggest
online corporations (Google, Amazon and Facebook), exploiting
conceptual hacks that generate unexpected holes in their well oiled
marketing and economic system.

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